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Fox in the Bookstore
A silent graphic novel about a cold fox cub who devises schemes to get into a warm bookstore when the employee on duty won't let him in.
(Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Please do not let wild animals into your home or establishment, and call your local wildlife rehabilitators if a wild animal lacks fear in approaching humans!)

Stand With Trans
A one-sheet printed zine for Stand With Trans, an organization dedicated to supporting transgender individuals and allies.
This zine includes Stand With Trans's resources, events, and contact information for readers to refer to.

True Foxes
A one-sheet printed zine about the 12 species of true foxes, or foxes under genus Vulpes.
There are more fox species than what is included in this zine, but fox species beyond these 12 are more closely related to canines outside genus Vulpes!

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Playin' It Safe
Client work for Essential Access Health's Youth Resource Zine about reproductive health and advocacy in medical settings. These are selected pages that I illustrated!

Foxes A-Z
A one-sheet printed book with anatomy, behaviors, environments, cultural references, and more related to foxes! For each letter of the alphabet, there is one corresponding fox-related term.
Fox Dens
An accordion book with pockets, featuring a fox family and their many dens. Foxes will rotate between multiple dens while rearing their young. As an interactor, you get to peek at the foxes in each den as wild and urban environments overlap!
An explosion book featuring 16 different red fox color morphs! Red foxes come in a variety of colors in the wild, and captive breeding has resulted in even more color morphs than before. There are far more than 16 colors that red foxes can occur in, but this book highlights some noteworthy variations!
>View Process Here!

Biting Fox Book
A half-plushie half-casebound fox sketchbook I sewed, painted, and bound. His mouth opens to reveal the pages of the book!
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